Why is it important to be physically healthy ?

Have you ever asked yourself how important it is to be physically healthy ? It's more important than what you think it is. It is estimated that out of every three Americans , one is obese. How bad is that ? It's really,really bad. It's more than thirty percent of the population being obese. What exactly does being obese mean ? Obesity is a medical condition  in which the body has excess fat which can lead to health problems. Health problems such as diabetes,heart disease,cancer,joint problems among many others.

A healthy person is defined as one that has wellness. Wellness is the state or condition of being in good mental, physical and emotional health. You can't have wellness if you don't have mental,physical and emotional health. So in order to have wellness you must have all those three. But now I'm just focusing on physical health. Exercise and a good diet lead to good physical health. It's very important to exercise in order to be in  good shape and avoid diseases. Exercise strengthens your immune system and makes you less propense to getting diseases like the ones i mentioned earlier. Overall, exercise makes you stronger, not only physically , but mentally and emotionally.

Now, a good diet consists of consuming about 3-5 meals daily in balanced proportions. Include lots of veggies of course and lots of fiber. Fiber is good for losing weight. I really don't recommend trying out any diets at all. I've heard that people do lose weight trying out certain diets but the bad thing about diets is that they're hard to follow and as soon as you stop being on a diet you gain back all the weight you lost and even more than you used to have. This is why I recommend having a well balanced diet. It's easy and it doesn't restrict you from any necessary nutrients that your body needs.

There are many things you can do to be physically healthy. Besides working out and eating healthy you can also make sure that you :

  • Visit the doctor regularly
  • have your meals on time
  • go to bed on time
  • don't do drugs
  • don't drink alcohol nor beer
  • avoid unprotected sex
  • never share needles
etc. There are many things you can do to have a healthy lifestyle and it is very important to be healthy in order to get the most out of your life and enjoy life at its most ! If you can think of any more ways of good health habits, don't hesitate to post your suggestions in the comments section below :)

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