Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Truth about Abs by Mike Geary

So I just finished reading the book "The Truth about ABS" by Mike Geary and I have to say the book is just fantastic and it's the best book I've ever read about six pack abs. It provides detailed information on what exactly you have to do to have the abs you've always wanted. It has a bunch of workouts as well as lists of what foods are good ones and which are the bad ones. I've read tons of books on nutrition and fitness and this has been the best one so far. I truly recommend it to everyone that's reading this. I checked it out from the library but after having read it I wanted to keep it so I decided to buy it off amazon. Even if you're an expert on fitness or a beginner, read it, you're going to be amazed on how accurate and detailed all the information is .

Great Abs Workout !

Hello people. I found this great workout for your abs on youtube and I tried it already. I'm posting this video because after having tried it I felt the burn in my stomach and it totally works. Just look at her, she's totally ripped. Work it hard and enjoy :).